Thursday, April 24, 2003

Boys and girls I have an important lesson to share today. Bigotry is wrong. People should not discriminate based on racial, ethnic, religious, or sexual preference. My # 1 fan agent carrots reminded me today of the importance of toleration. The following message touched me.

#1 fan? Come on, now- I'm your only fan. In fact, I believe it would be a stretch of the imagination to refer to me as a fan at all. It's pathetic that you bask in self-pity by creating this bullshit website while you could be more productive in correcting your situation. Your lack of motivation (and the fact that you write poems- what are you, gay?!??!!) are the only reasons you find yourself in this predicament. I think you're a complete pussy, and don't have the balls to move further than your parents' yard. Why the hell do you hate everyone, anyhow? Probably because they tell it like it is.
I hope my tax dollars aren't paying for the maintenance of your broke-ass site. Put down the peanut butter and the remote control and GO GET A FUCKING JOB! I'm in complete agreement with you that the world is abundant of idiots- sadly I think you are one of them.

Awaiting your emergence from the closet,
Agent C.

As you can tell from his stirring words he takes issue with my life choices, which is fine. However, I am disappointed to see him question my sexuality. You see I know gay people, I have even had contact them with them before and you know what, I am not worthy of the title fairy. In fact I am not even gay enough to call myself fag. (Though my mom is fond of referring to me as such) You would think that in 21st century a white heterosexual male could express himself without facing the threat of bigoted reprisals. Of course this is a fleeting dream due to the abundance of whops, dagos, and slant-eyed Negros in the world. Such insensitive retards make it difficult for people like those money grubbing kikes, to live a peaceful existence. Who knows maybe one day the butt-pirates, drunken redskins, carpet eaters, wetbacks, ruskies, kraut-eaters, Oreos, wiggers, and me will live together in harmony. It takes all types, and I for one am all for a melting pot of peoples & ideas even if it does give off the stench of human excrement.

Thanks for your attention everyone,

and Agent C. I am forever grateful for exposing the evils of bigotry

even if you are a drunken leprechaun worshipping mick or bell curve deficient darkie

oh by the way

go to hell