Wednesday, May 07, 2003

I had an informative meeting with an admission adviser at OSU. Appears my BA in religion from Denison University means absolutely jack-squat. If I enrolled at OSU there would be freshman with more recognized credit hours. Yesterday I had this great idea, and just like that it is torn apart. Couple today's misfortune with last nights thunderstorm warnings and Bob is not a happy boy. In fact one could argue that I am unhappy. Now, Bob will go watch cartoons, curl up into the fetal position and be oddly aroused by sexually ambiguous anime characters. What a life Bob lives.

Though I do find some satisfaction knowing that approximately 40,000 people contracted a new STD today. There painful, puss filled, agonizingly painful genital warts make my 20 something angst seem insignificant. You know, it is those little things in life that make you happy, like the sexual misfortune of others.

For those of you who have burning and itching sensation along with numerous painful bumps/sores on their private area

I have three words for you


that’s what you get for having sex (especially since I am not)

and remember to

go to hell