Saturday, August 23, 2003

I went to bed Friday morning at 8:30am. Woke up at 9:15pm Friday night. Yesterday evening I ate White Castle. Tonight I ate Taco Bell. What does all this mean? Am I a lazy fat bastard? Do I now prefer using simple, short sentences? Or, is their a government conspiracy forcing me to sleep during day, stay up all through the night watching Poltergeist the Legacy and eat heart attacking inducing fast food? Who knows but I do have a serious case of tooten poopens.

While checking my voicemail it appears that my father's auction may now be a no go. The auctioneer we were working with seems to have developed cold feet. This is a bad thing, since the two auctions we had thus far were a modest success. However, if the proverbial shit does hit the fan it might be a real opportunity for me. I need to get a life which first requires moving out of Newark, Ohio. First of all I don't have anything against my place of birth. In fact beyond the fact that it resides in the outer layers of Hell it ain't such a bad place. I am glad to have spent most of my formative years here rather then a thriving urban metropolis. There I would have become cultured, meaning being indoctrinated into a neo bourgeoisie lifestyle. In other words being an uncouth, unsophisticated jack ass is definitely the product of my environment and thank God for it. Anyway, growing up is hard to do but sometime we all have to do it. I have insulated myself from the world, often dismissing it as meaningless and trivial. Yet, in actuality there is so much living to be done and really so little time. It is high time I quit bemoaning my miserable existence, take control of my fate and go do something.

Then again being mature and self reliant sounds like a lot of work, not to mention requiring and untold amount of dedication. I am just going to take a shit instead.

go to hell