Wednesday, October 15, 2003

I have been going through a rough spot of late. One of the few things in life that I find meaningful has lost that magic spark. I have enjoyed this activity for some thirteen years and it has meant the world to me. Throughout the bad times I could always count on it to see me through. Heck, it even managed to make the great times even better. All good things must come to an end; apparently what once provided profound joy is no more. Nothing can prepare you to lose such integral part of life; I can think is that it ended far too soon. One might wonder what act could mean so much to an obese, single, twenty-three year old man; those same people are considered functionally retarded. Anyway, I guess it is time to say goodbye. My once legendary (to me at least) libido is no more.

It is possible this is just another symptom of my impending and inevitable bout with diabetes. Or maybe I just did it too much. Performing any action in excess of ten-thousand times can lead to serious side effects, especially in such a relatively short period of time. Many eastern traditions, in particular Hindu schools of thought, believe that the seed of man contains his soul’s vitality. One must preserve as much as possible or risk an untimely demise. This would have been fine if I could have at least performed the act one last time right before my heart exploded. One can only wish.

Go to hell