Thursday, August 21, 2003

Day 2 of being unemployed. Stayed up till 6am last night and woke up at 5pm, oh how I missed those times. I applied to a couple places and hopefully will get a call soon. The only positive from my short stint in the working world was the realization that I do need to work. Spending my day wallowing in Doritos crumbs surrounded by a mountain of Pepsi cans is no way to live. Due to my lack of skills and under abundance of "real" jobs (jobs being defined as a profession that does not cause blood to leak from my ears). Enough talk about me and my pathetic life, today I was hoping to have an engaging dialogue with all of you. First of all let me reiterate how much I have missed all seven of you who read this blog. Most of you I know in real life, but as you well know actual human interaction pails in comparison to reading each others daily logs. The couple of you who don't know me personally will find the following very disheartening. You haven't lived until witnessing a 240 lb man sitting crossed legged for hours at a time. Here is the deal usually I rant and rave with little concern for those who later read it, but today I am trying something different. I want everyone reading this to take a couple minutes and post a comment today on the following subject. What pisses you the fuck off? Some may find this question a little vague, so in order to prevent undue confusion I will further clarify. What really pisses you the fuck off?

It is my sincere hope that this subject will open up an impressive dialogue between us, one that allows for a better understanding of all people. That and I am too lazy to bitch today.

Go to hell