Sunday, October 12, 2003

I had an enlightening conversation with dad today. We were discussing, well ok I was discussing as to whether Mary remained a virgin throughout her life. Dad agreed with my assertion that Mary must have fulfilled her wifely duties to Joseph and likely popped out a few Jesus-lites. Thinking the topic was over I proceeded to discuss OSU's defeat and how it was due to large part to Maurice Clarrett. Dad, bored with the OSU debacle, decided to further elaborate on his opinion of the Virgin Mary. First, he was very sure that she was not a virgin before the birth of Jesus. Either she was "knocked up" by Joseph or more then likely had a little fling on the side and in order to save her dignity created this whole "immaculate conception" story. He figured that she was anything but pure and most likely was a lady with questionable morals. Ok actually he referred to the Lord's mother as a whore.

While the above exchange was very entertaining, a part of me is very sad. Dad is now doomed to eternal damnation. I mean sure one can argue that Mary had children the old fashioned way after Jesus but to insinuate way she whored around with a Roman soldier just isn’t kosher.

This post is dedicated to my father and his blasphemous views. He might be going to hell but at least he is entertaining me along the way.

Go to hell