I really should have read the Federalist Papers and not spent Poli Sci 210 dreaming of Linda Schuman
I wanted to write a piece that shared my profound respect for the Constitution. I have spent nearly two hours writing, rewriting, and rewriting what I rewrote concerning this fact. Every revision clearly indicated my sincerity, but no matter how much I tried it came off as obtuse. The problem is I am not capable of doing justice to the document, nor to the brilliant men who created it. They created something that will forever be both timeless and timely. That is all I can think to say. So, umm...good for you Jefferson and crew. I hope that last line is as painful to read as it was to write.We all are clear that I am pro-Constitution. I just don't like how it’s been used for political ends--by both parties--or, much more importantly, how modern day interpretations have lead to the slaughter of over forty million innocents. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth that the same document that insures my right to liberty, is used to justify the crushing of pre-infantile skulls. Then again, that's just me.
The real purpose of today's post is to congratulate America's Youth for being ignorant. I still don't want you, the children weaned on MTV and reality television, to vote or do anything more taxing than work as busboys, waitresses and porn stars, but I am really proud of your profound indifference to society at large.
This study, at least according to the article, demonstrates that today's high school students think the First Amendment is a second-rate issue. They also think censorship isn't necessarily bad and that flag burning is illegal. I only disagree with them on one point, and it is for a factual reason, because I completely agree with their intent, flag burning is not illegal in the United States. Go to a crowded space, be it a protest or at a miss ethanol pageant in the local mall, take a piece of fabric, your shirt for example, pour an accelerant on it, take out a lighter and then watch the sparks grow. Guess what will happen? You will be arrested. However, if you do the same thing with the American Flag it is considered a form of expression and not an attempt at arson. It is good to know that our judiciary lacks the common sense found in a generation that spends their free time watching Elimidate.
Personally, I am all for censorship. Some people want to ban Sponge Bob for promoting homosexual values. Others want to ban the speech of those same people who want to ban Sponge Bob. I want both groups to shut the fuck up. Obviously, this isn't going to happen, but it does prove a point: Everyone on some level believes in censorship, usually it involves limiting the rights of those whom you disagree with--that is a bad thing, unless you agree with me. It is the state's job (State and Local Government, and to a limited degree Federal Govt.) to limit access, and yes, even speech of those who endanger the well being of society. In other words, you have every right to cheer for John Kerry, you have every right to write poetry about humping a dolphin, but you don't have any right sitting things aflame in a public place--unless it is yourself, I am all for self-immolation--to have a parade preaching hate and ignorance (KKK and the ACLU), or to market albums towards children that preach killing cops, beating whores, and licking coke off the corpse of your soon-to-be-dead ex-girlfriends ass.
The Constitution was never meant to protect those later examples; in fact, it limited itself so the Federal Government wouldn't be guilty of actually promoting such reprehensible behavior, or worse, creating it. Instead it gave the states the ability to determine how best to protect their citizens from the tyranny of everyday life, while the Federal Government worried about fending off attacks from Brits riding in giant teacups, and negotiating exclusivity trade agreements for French berets.
I am ranting now, which is usually when I am at my best, or worst. Either way, I need to wrap this up, as I have wandered from the original intent of this entry: High School Students still have a modicum of common sense, which can't be said for society at large. They are probably ignorant of the Constitution, but there perceived indifference to the First Amendment, is actually what happens when common sense and ignorance meet. They don't know enough not to know that the Constitution is no longer an elastic document, but a malleable one, whose shape is determined by whatever group--Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Progressive, Traditionalist, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Masons--wields the biggest hammer.
Good for you students of America, and shame on you educators who are too damned lazy to indoctrinate them into believing whatever popular society says to believe. Though, I readily admit that taking solace in ignorance--even when serving a good end--is probably a bad thing. Unless, of course, ignorance serves my own ends, then I am for it.
I really should be a public schools administrator.
Go to Hell
My favorite link that I can't read.