Thursday, May 22, 2003

I hate menial work, as it goes against my delicate sensibilities. Also, it seems my hate extends to those who work at these plebian jobs. Apprently those who make minimum wage are unhappy with their shitty lot in life. Since they are making so little money in such piss ass-backwards vocation these pug faced monkeys believe it is their right to do a lackluster job. The fast food industry is a perfect example. First disregard the 16-18 year old worker, who by definition does a bad job due to their acne puss seeping into their brains. Yet, everyone else at these establishments, including the management, take it upon themselves to disregard orders, give extremely poor customer service and frequently containment the food ( i.e. spitting, defecting, stirring the soup with the penis. all true verified examples). I owe a good bit of my girth to the fast food industry, so one could call me an expert in this field, at least from the customer perspective. I performed an experiment this week, which consisted of eating two meals a day at various fast food locales and seeing how often they delivered my order correctly. Eight trips and five orders wrong later I have concluded that anyone over 18 years of age working in a McDonalds, Wendys, Burger King etc. should be shot in the head. Now let me clarify what I mean by shot. They need to take a loaded 12 gauge shotgun put the barrel in their mouth point at the 60 degree angel and pull the trigger. There is virtually no chance of survival and even those who do will be hooked up a ventelation machine wearing Depends for the rest of their lives. Either way it works out best for everyone involved.

if you have a problem with today's apt assessment

you are a walking, talking example of why we have birth control

and you should

go to hell

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