Thursday, November 20, 2003

I am the hamster god. The littler critter worships me. Every time I put food in the cage Hamster, which is the hamster's name, carefully sniffs my fingers and watches me with unabashed admiration. Sometimes I catch him starting in my direction, as if his saying with eyes Bob is the most masterful of masters. I should go to the pet store and purchase more potential disciples. The human world may very well have forsaken me but Hamster knows the truth. His admiration leads to my adulation. Who knew that deification could lead to such happiness.

Go to Hell

unless you are a small furry rodent

Sunday, November 16, 2003

I decided to become a stalker. Who knows it may be you and if so please do not call the police, at least not until I break into your room.

Not a whole lot going on with me. November has been a wash, much like October before it as well as September, August, July, June well you get the point. Perhaps New Years will provide some much needed excitement. I am considering a trip to either Chicago or D.C. at end of December. My college friends/worst enemies will be there and when we get together things turn ugly. Women are accosted, trees are torn asunder, children lay crying in their beds all the while copious amounts of alcohol are consumed. It could be fun especially considering the alternative of spending the holidays sequestered in the trailer watching cartoon network marathons.

Go to hell