Monday, December 29, 2003

I am off for Cleveland tomorrow, which in turn is the first leg of my trip to Washington D.C. for New Years Eve. There is a very good chance that I will either die, be incarcerated or abducted by aliens in the coming week. If by chance I do survive and make it back to Ohio unscathed, or at least relatively so, expect an entertaining recap of my adventures.

Here is to me getting drunk off cheap champagne, sniffing coke off a prostitute's bum and running naked through the nations capital.

Ok......maybe only two out of three. I am definitely opting for expensive champagne this year.

Go To Hell

Friday, December 26, 2003

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas/Chrimbo/Xmas/Bobsgiftday. If you don't celebrate this holiday...well you are probably going to hell but I hear heaven is overrated anyway.

I am thinking about becoming a political pundit when I grow up. All one needs to succeed is the inablility to recognize the worth of anyone else's opinion. Pretty sure I can handle that.

Go To Hell

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Below is why I hate people, especially those who have a stick up their ass. Since you can't view the book in question I will describe it. It was a collection of pamphlets published by a, now defunct, glass company over fifty years ago. Copyright law is not applicable in this case so even those with anal cavity-clamping-on-wood problem shouldn't say a word.

I hope this guy dies, several times if possible. Oh and read from the bottom up so it makes sense.

As you have learned, I feel very strongly about copyright issues, which have not been exaggerated as you imply in this situation. My rights and privileges as an American citizen can only be assured if I recognize and respect the rights of others.

I submit that this item was misrepresented by your description. The very act of offering a book for sale requires that it be a legitimate, legal publication. However, as we have agreed, this was merely a facsimile of the original.

I wanted the book (original, of course). As you may have noticed, I did not ask for a refund. However, as you can not or will not provide the original, I must request a full refund. So, again, I find myself at your mercy. I will return the book today and must trust that you will return my money. Please do so in a timely manner.

I would also suggest that you do the honorable thing and destroy all illegal copies of this book. The law on this matter is clear and does not require that you be an "expert" on copyright issues. As a matter of fact, prosecution does not even require that you be aware of the law as ignorance is not a justifiable defense. However, as this email exchange will show, you are now aware and any claims to the contrary would constitute willful ignorance.

Please send a refund for the total of $61.15 immediately upon receipt of the book in question.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph C. Wilson []
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 11:53 AM
To: Kirk Broach - rr
Subject: Re: eBay Item: Erickson Glass Catalog Identification Book (Item #3159932225)

Sir I never listed this book as an original as I purchased several "copies" at an auction almost two years ago. In no way did I misrepresent the item. If you read my terms and conditions I do offer a full refund if my description was misleading or incomplete. Frankly I don't believe it was either of those but it is possible that you read between the lines and thought you were purchasing an original. Therefore I will send you a refund, contingent of course on my item being shipped back.

As to copyright laws I do not claim to be an expert though most people who do so tend to be exaggerating. I did not make copies with express intent to resale, as I already stated these were bought at an auction. At one time I did own the original which sold for several hundred dollars and was listed as such. That book was bought by a collector as a shelf piece while these "copies" have been sold with idenitification purposes in mind not as original works.

Finally the disparity in shipping prices is an unfortunate occurence that happens quite frequently on Ebay. Usually I ship exclusively via UPS and the price I quoted would have been accurate for said service. Occasionaly I do use the post office and sometimes I ship first class mail when there is no difference between time in transit between it and Priority Mai. Unlike many sellers I do not try to gauge buyers on shipping, more often then not I lose a dollar or two per shipment. Yet, sometimes I make a mistake and do break even or even make a buck or two. Anyway it is a moot point and I do apologize.

If you do wish a full refund please send the Catalog to

Ralph Wilson
14 N. Park Place
Newark, Ohio 43055

----- Original Message -----
From: Kirk Broach - rr
To: Ralph C. Wilson
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 5:19 PM
Subject: RE: eBay Item: Erickson Glass Catalog Identification Book (Item #3159932225)

I received the Ericson "Catalog" yesterday and am not happy. Based on your Ebay description, copied below for your convenience, I was bidding on an original catalog/book. The book was implied to be original by your statement that it is "very rare to find any information or books on the type of glass" and the fact that you did not state that it was copied. However, I received what is clearly a copy of an original which you have kept. This is evidenced by white borders on each page, and images of dog-eared corners on pages which have never been folded. Furthermore, I became suspicious of this possibility when you listed another book exactly like the one which I purchased, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and waited for my book to arrive.

In addition, my winning bid for this book was $56.00. When I asked for shipping charges, you responded with a total of $61.15. I was suprised that mailing this book through the USPS could possibly cost $5.15 but again, I gave you the benefit of doubt and waited for the book to arrive. Postage is clearly marked as $1.52.

Please note that this ebay auction is a binding legal contract between you, Ralph C. Wilson of Newark, Ohio and me. To resolve this matter, the original should be sent IMMEDIATELY.

Are you familiar with the federal copyright laws? Copyright is a protection provided for published and unpublished works which gives the author exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute copies of that work. It is illegal to violate these rights afforded only to the owner of the copyright. Do you claim to own the copyright to this book? Do you even know who does?

If you do not resolve this matter quickly, by sending me the original book which I now rightfully own and by destroying all illegal copies of this book, I will be compelled to report this clear violation of copyright laws to the United States Copyright Office.

"Erickson Glass Catalog Identification Book with 12 pages of identification to erickson glass. Show how it was made and show several salesman sample item. Made up of different sheets which salesmen would take orders from. Very rare to find any information or books on the type glass. Measures 11" by 8 1/2" with a hard plastic cover. "

Kirk Broach

Friday, December 19, 2003

Christmas is less than a week away and I am miserable. Tis the season to be jolly? What for? I saw an old high school crush earlier this week. It was not nice to see her. In fact it was very disheartening to even engage in small talk with her. I found myself contemplating the effects of a large boulder falling on her head and how that would bring a brief, albeit intense, joyous feeling. Today I had the distinct pleasure of conversing with my high school physics teacher. I feebly attempted to lie about my life and successes but ultimately she saw through my ruse. I guess saying your best friend is a seven year old psychopath is not terribly positive revelation. Well at least Saddam the pussy-rat was captured. I find some solace in that fact however, I would have preferred that he was discovered gutted with his genitalia placed in his mouth. Maybe just maybe if Santa is reading this blog entry, or truly does have god-like powers of omniscience, he will make that happen. If he is reluctant to commit himself to the cause vigilante justice, I wouldn't be disappointed if he brought me a nubile twenty-two year old, blue-eyed, blonde haired, amply bosomed virgin lady for Christmas.

One can hope

Go to hell

Sunday, December 07, 2003

I am lonely. I need to be loved, held and cuddled. I am looking for a girl who can take care of these needs. I don't mind if you are fat, stupid, ugly, retarded, or even smelly. In fact those qualities might actually endear you to me since all my needs are supplemented by a great desire to feel superior to others.
If the thought of being Bob's love-doll doesn't disgust you please contact me.

Jews need not apply since they are all hell-bound heathens.

I kid.

Ok not really but I don't want anyone thinking I am an anti-Semite like my friend Pete.

(Inside Joke that isn't terribly funny but even a cheap laugh is worth alienating all the moneylenders and Hollywood producers of the world)

Go to Hell

(Where I will be very soon)

(Using () to denote unrelated material, whimiscal insights and retarded sentiments is annoying I need to stop)

(But I won't)


(Go To Hell)

(God I am brilliant (not so much brilliant but definitely gifted(in a little yellowbus sort of way(waited that doesn't even make since. retards are "special" not gifted)))

Monday, December 01, 2003

My ego is out of whack. According to Freud a healthy ego is necessary to balance out the opposing forces of the id and superego. I blame my parents for raising me so poorly. Oh and least I forget society which helped warp my psyche into a delusional mess. In order to stave off further madness I decided to take radical action. Therefore from now on please call me Robert Robertson.

Go To Hell
I am tired, not physically mind you but mentally. Not caring about anything or anyone has taken its toll. Whereas I once thought shutting everything out would be easier then facing reality; now I know it is so much more difficult. I am not bitching, moaning or even ranting about my apathy but instead am lamenting how much has gone by. The world waits for no man and he who stands still most definitely is left behind. I regret not caring and have started to wonder if I ever did. My parents have commented on my selfish behavior for years, as have many friends, and if anyone would know it would be they. Yet now I don't even care about number one. The only meaningful thing in my life is life itself. I exist. No more, no less. I was never a go getter; in fact I usually let everything come to me. Everything from learning to a social life was never an active concern. Luckily I was blessed with an inordinate amount of luck which translated into being surrounded by high quality people who provided a very interesting life. I have little to regret. Perhaps it was only meaningless fun but the stories I have are sure entertaining. I was never mistaken for an heir to Jonas Salk yet in an oh so unique way did I find meaning in life. At this point that is not enough. Truly I wonder if the past is ever enough.

The path I followed inevitably led down a lonely, quiet road. I am not sad about who I am but am disappointed in what I have become. A friend of mine posted his theory on the major religions. Several people in response critically commented on his post. It was an example of relevant debate, or as relevant as a post and subsequent comments can be on a web log. Ultimately I found merit in each argument but felt there was much left unsaid. For a moment I felt the desire to critique, expound upon, and reflect. Sadly those feelings rapidly dissipated. I once loved thinking about religion. Nothing else can inspire such fervor in many while simultaneously drawing the ire of many more. It is the dream topic of conversation for those select few who enjoy arguing for arguments sake. Now it seems so very unimportant.

I am not sure how exactly one goes about conditioning the self to be numb but I am very aware it can be done. There is a solution to my predicament, whether it is simple or grandiose is the question. I tried waking up and saying today is a new begging only to find myself shortly realizing it was just another day. Volunteering, working or even just engaging others in conversation may be enough. Thus far it remains to be seen. I do know that regret is a dual edged sword. One can be cut by what they haven't done as surely as by what they have. Reluctantly I must admit a certain respect for those people who dare to be stupid, traversing haphazardly through life facing both success and failure in equal strides. My hubris is based upon knowing what not to do and daring not to do it.

Who knows maybe I am just crazy or perhaps the strong stench of urine emanating from Hamster's cage has finally gone to my head.