Thursday, March 20, 2003

We are at war. Wonder who will win?

Reality keeps slapping me in the face like a dejected college freshman girl who was a participant in a five-way... well you get the point. My latest plan is two-fold. First I will invest my meager income in the most reliable market of all, then defy the law of averages and win several million dollars. After "earning" these riches, with all my hard work, I will proceed to spend money like crazy on expensive champagne and cheap women. Though, within a couple years even that plan will leave me where I am at now, broke and jobless. Dad and I have discussed sending me to auction school, and eventually opening up an auction house. Might be a good idea, at least I would work for myself but you wouldn't believe how shitty of a boss I can be. Well, I got to go stick my head in a toilet in hopes of recapturing my youth (damn college bullies) Two more days and I am driving to Florida

Wish me lots of luck,


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