Saturday, March 01, 2003

I live in a human cesspool, not far removed from the first layer of hell itself. Today all I wanted was to eat at Red Lobster. Not because I like seafood, because most sea faring creatures make me ill. No, I wanted Red Lobster for one simple reason; they have the greatest biscuits/rolls in the universe. After picking out a computer for my dad, and coming home from Columbus, the family decided we would go out to eat. Also since my little brother was spending the night at my sisters, we could eat in relative peace. Of course upon arrival, I notice the entire parking lot is full and furthermore when we entered the lobby, there were at least two dozen people waiting. So, no Red Lobster for me. Instead we went to the local Garfields, where I threw a fit, and took a nap in the car. The last part is actually true. Two things are readily apparent from today's debacle, my hometown needs more dining options and second I am a gigantic crybaby with the emotion maturity level of retarded 2 year old chimpanzee.

How great it is to be me,

Go to Hell