Friday, June 13, 2003

Shewhosucksrandomguysdicks left a message on IM yesterday. She was vainly trying to make me feel bad. Seems her boyfriend has a good job, and the STD test came back negative. Not really sure why I should feel bad about her defying statistical probability and not being infected with genital warts or the fact her boyfriend sells crack to school children, but that is beside the point. The motivation behind her remarks is irksome.

Recently, I was beginning to feel bad about being unnecessarily mean towards her. I even considered rescinding my previous remarks and apologizing. Thankfully that phase has passed now. I killed nice Bob, well ok I ate him. Empathy is a term that no longer applies in my case therefore unabashed hate is now the norm.

What makes that stupid bar slut think she has the right to belittle me? In a perfect world she would be sterilized to prevent further corruption of the human gene pool. I would also recommend a lobotomy, but if anyone who has ever spoken with her can't tell the
difference anyway.

Everyone do have a nice weekend

please remember to leave your seat belts unbuckled and to drink massive amounts of liqueur before driving.

go to hell

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