Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Thanks everyone for sticking up for me during my absence. I have decided to let bygones be bygones and not comment further on shewholicksguysassholesatthetruckstop. Even extremely bitter gents need to forgive and suppress.

I had another interview today, one that went extremely well. If this whole job thing doesn't work out, I should release a "How to Bullshit your way to a winning interview". Thankfully the HR officer was fairly intelligent, and more importantly very pleasant. The job sounds fairly interesting, well as far as work goes, though as usual it pays very little. Starting from the bottom sucks ass. Bright, non-motivated chubby guys should rule the corporate world from the get-go.


Do not cut off a wart with scissors. It hurts like hell and seemingly bleeds forever.
Instead burn it off with lighter, much safer process.
Or, be a pussy and go to a doctors to have it removed.

go to hell

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