Wednesday, July 02, 2003

I found this link at my buddy’s blog. Jesus H. Blimpie Jumbotron Christ......I am almost speechless. According to the web counter several other people have sallied on over to this page, god help them. This kid is the reason why I am adopting Asian babies. I will have the option to pick out a couple of beautiful, brilliant children who will one day make me millions.

Of course Lyle Lovett’s and Sandra Bernhard's child will probably end up with a better job and hotter spouse then Bob.

God damn it.

(edited July 3, 2003)

Ok after doing a little more research, which amounted to reading the message board on the above link, I have lost all hope. The aforementioned site is scary enough (and yes i know it is a joke) but the forum postings associated with it are at best criminally incriminating. There are some sick fuckers out there. Good thing the apocolypse is upon us. First sign was the end of Buffy. You are forewarned.

By the way look for a website next week. I have read a How To on HTML And XHTML book. Thus far I have finished 400/600 pages and am fairly confident in my ability to produce a wretched pile of shit.

Go to hell

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